jungle book

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Iron Man 3

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who we are

introduce about our vfxboss

VFX BOSS is a Indian VFX studio providing the full spectrum of digital image creation; from fantasy creature animation and sci-fi robots to historical world building and interplanetary environments.

Operating mostly as the sole vendor we cover everything from conceptual design through post-visualization to the final delivered VFX - our creative team is constantly pushing boundaries, creating extraordinary images and creatures to rival the world’s largest VFX houses and capture the imagination of global audiences.

Servicing our international client base we are all about building long term relationships. Our production pipeline is constantly being reshaped and tailored to running productions and our VFX producers are involved in every step of the process fitting the very best of customised solutions into our clients budgets and schedules.

need any helps

Where there's a need THERE IS VFX BOSS

Wire Removals, Rig Removals, Camera / Reflection Removals, Crew / Object Removals, Clean plate Creation, Dust / Scratch Removals

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